
Empowering The Leaders Of Tomorrow

You are capable of achieving your dreams, goals and finding your inner confidence. The problem is, you’ve not known where to start… 

This shouldn’t discourage you; it should inspire you. 


You’ve come to the right place

Your journey to personal and professional success starts now. 

Those limiting beliefs? Those voices holding you back? They stop here. 

Welcome to your Empowerment Program.  

The great thing about potential is that there is always room for more.  

The possibilities are endless, your potential is limitless.  

When you learn how to tap into it, you realise you have so much to offer as a leader. With self-belief and confidence, you can step into your full capabilities. With the right knowledge, tools and training you can transform your mindset from where you are to where you want to be. You will exhibit a growth mindset, harness your authentic power and feel empowered to act. You can wake up every day feeling energised, motivated and inspired and carve a pathway for others to do the same. 

Empowerment is the process of reclaiming this.How would you like to define your success?

The differentiator

All about the Empowerment Program


What is

This course is not for the faint hearted. This program is for change makers, innovators and ambitious leaders. It is for those who want to dream big, transform it into action and reach their full potential. It is for those who will lead by example, inspire others and have an impact. 

It will test you and push you to ensure that you are living a life filled with purpose, passion and drive, whilst inspiring others to do the same. 

Our immersive 6-month program will allow you to learn from some of the most successful leaders and experts within the business and finance industry. They will share their personal stories, experiences and lessons, which will allow you to fast track your own leadership journey and overcome any challenges as you break through barriers.  

On this transformational journey, you will learn how to present and speak with impact to enhance your executive presence. We will discover and harness the skill of clear communication, the art of negotiation and the power of living authentically.  

In this course we will also dive deep into our own identify and the struggles we personally face around our fears, limiting beliefs and personal challenges. We will use powerful tools to understand and overcome them in order to propel forwards with actions and goal setting. Understanding ourselves in this way gives us a greater appreciation and compassion for others and the unique gifts we all have to offer. Equipped with this knowledge, you can feel empowered to become an effective leader with greater authentic influence.


Program Overview

The course will run over 6 months comprising of a monthly 2-hour training session. It will also include 1:1 monthly coaching sessions to understand specific empowerment goals. Additionally, there will be 2 panel sessions where professionals within the financial sector will be invited to share their experiences. The course will be highly interactive, encouraging attendees to get involved, collaborate and share ideas.


Communicate to Influence


Inspirational Leaders


Authentic You


The Art of Impactful Feedback


Transformational Leadership


Empowering Others

Your free training starts in:



Program Overview

The course will run over 6 months comprising of a monthly 2-hour training session. It will also include 1:1 monthly coaching sessions to understand specific empowerment goals. Additionally, there will be 2 panel sessions where professionals within the financial sector will be invited to share their experiences. The course will be highly interactive, encouraging attendees to get involved, collaborate and share ideas.


Communicate to Influence


Inspirational Leaders


Authentic You


The Art of Impactful Feedback


Transformational Leadership


Empowering Others

Client Testimonials

Results Driven

At echios we’ve been delivering impactful coaching programs for the last 5 years and have helped over 7,000 people, increase their confidence, enhance their communication skills and improve their performance.

breaking glass ceilings

Who is this for?

  • You are an aspiring leader in the business/finance world
  • You feel underrepresented and unseen in your workplace

  • You have fears or limiting beliefs holding you back from success


  • You know you aren’t living and working at your full potential.

  • You are a leader who wants to get the most out of your employees and team

  • You want to excel in leadership

  • You want a successful and inspiring career.

  • You want to feel motivated, energised and enthusiastic about your work.

  • You want to build your confidence, learn how to use your voice and have an impact in your workplace.

  • You want to encourage others to have confidence, use their voice and have an impact.

  • You want to build a network of like-minded and motivated people

  • You are ambitious and want to set goals to reach
  • You want to thrive, rather than just survive.

Unleash your hidden potential

Empowerment is
A State of mind Confidence Communication Vision Power Achievement Success Everything


What you gain


What you gain


Access on All Platforms

Make the most of your journey by getting access to the best empowerment content anytime, anywhere, with full cross platform compatibility.


Access on All Platforms

Make the most of your journey by getting access to the best empowerment content anytime, anywhere, with full cross platform compatibility.


Topics Covered

The course will run over 6 months comprising of a monthly 2-hour training session. It will also include 1:1 monthly coaching sessions to understand specific empowerment goals. Additionally, there will be 2 panel sessions where professionals within the financial sector will be invited to share their experiences. The course will be highly interactive, encouraging attendees to get involved, collaborate and share ideas.



Presentation Skills – Learning To Become Clear, Concise And Credible

The Program

Strong communication skills are the single most important factor when it comes to getting what you want, whether at work or in your personal life. That’s why this is one of our leading courses, providing exceptional learning opportunities that will change the way you choose to communicate with others in all aspects of your life. Think about when you write a message or email. You have the chance to edit what you have written to ensure you present yourself with the highest credibility. We don’t get the same opportunity when speaking, and it is therefore vital that we learn skills that allow us to verbalise our thoughts and ideas with the same impact. With a recent study showing a reduction in individuals attention spans, it is essential that clear and concise communication is consistently delivered. Whether speaking to one person or to a group, equip yourself with the skills to engage your audience and inspire them to take action. This course will enable you to speak with confidence and conviction and increase your influence with those around you. ​

Learning Outcomes


Executive Presence, Building Rapport, And Gaining Influence

The Program

Have you ever thought “why don’t people take me as seriously as they take my colleague?” It isn’t because they are more intelligent. It’s more likely because they have understood the art of position, influence and gaining respect. Your executive presence immediately impacts the relationships that you can leverage, and the impact that you can have on business decisions. Merely being the subject matter expert is therefore no longer sufficient. For your statements to have genuine bottom line visibility you need to be able to make the right impact, build rapport and have presence so that your input becomes a strategic consideration for your team. By building an awareness of your executive presence, an understanding of others, and learning some key tools and techniques, this course will enable you to increase your executive presence and rapport with those around you. 

Learning Outcomes

Inspirational Leaders​

Leaders In The Field​

The Program

As the famous saying goes “Nothing is new. Everything is recycled”. This doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t aim to innovate, create, and inspire change, but that we can look to those who have already paved impressive paths before us. We can take inspiration and learn the clues that their success leaves behind. As a part of our Leaders In The Field module, we will explore the journey of successful individuals in the finance industry and other sectors, who have made an impact in the professional world. The module will look specifically at the achievements and success in their professional path, as well as the strategies they used to overcome challenges, empowering themselves and others around them. It is important to be encouraged and inspired by these people and their qualities. However, in this module we will also observe the importance of pacing our own development, playing to our strengths and using setbacks as a stepping stone to success.

Learning Outcomes

Inspirational Leaders​

What School Doesn’t Teach You About Success​

The Program

A lot of people associate power, influence, money and often, masculinity. We think to be successful we need to ‘look’ a certain way and adapt our behaviour to those who have gone before. However, we don’t often stop to think of what their version of success actually feels like. To be truly successful, you have to be authentic. This means to harness who we truly are and use the balance of energies within us. Masculine traits of strength, courage and assertiveness are the ones we are more familiar with in the workplace and ones we typically associate with men. However, both females and males have this masculine energy within them. It is the feminine traits of humility, cooperativeness and even vulnerability which we seldom see in the business world. These qualities can be just as powerful to work as a team, reach targets and gain respect as a leader. 

Learning Outcomes


Finding Your Authentic Self In An Increasingly Complicated World

The Program

In a world of conflicting demands, social media pressure and constant advertisements, we place a strong importance on commercial success. We are constantly compared to others and a huge challenge that many people face is finding their authentic selves and staying true to their values and needs whilst navigating their career goals and aspirations. We all have our own unique gifts and strengths that we can offer to the world. The problem is that often many of us haven’t been able to uncover what it is that we are truly passionate about – what is it that lights our fire and is unique to us. In this module, we will get to know ourselves better using teachings from psychology to mindfulness, as we chart out our lives and search for purpose in an increasingly demanding world. 

Learning Outcomes


Stress And Time Management – Maintaining Integrity In Fast Paced Environments​

The Program

Most health experts preach that stress is dangerous. Stress and anxiety are not only mentally challenging, but if left un-checked, can cause serious physical illness as well. By understanding stress triggers and learning to manage your time efficiently and effectively, you can lessen the pressures often experienced by senior leaders who have endless to-do lists and often over-whelming responsibility. In reality, stress is not a bad thing if we understand it and work with it properly. In fact, three decades of research suggests that the best way to manage stress is not to fight it, but to embrace it, and in so doing, we can make smarter, more confident and empathetic decisions. Learn practical and invaluable time management methods that will help when making everyday choices, and in turn, reduce unhealthy stress. 

Learning Outcomes

The art of negotiation and influence​

The Art of Negotiation - Deconstructing Complex Conversations

The Program

The key to great negotiation is great collaboration. The common misconception is that to negotiate effectively, you must ‘make your case’ or be the loudest voice in the room, forcing the other side to agree with your argument. However, this is not effective as it discourages important teamwork and a chance to deepen your understanding of each other. Negotiation is about several people faced with different aspects of the same problem. The adversary is the situation itself, rather than opposing opinions. If you work with people, rather than against them, you can solve the problem together and you are both better off. 

The key to negotiation is always using deference. This is not weakness. In fact, it is quite the opposite. Deference gives the opportunity for other voices to be heard, to gain understanding of how people think and showing them respect. By doing this, in turn, people will want to listen to you and what you have to offer. If everyone feels involved in the process, you are more likely to come to a decision that is for the benefit of everyone, rather than the select few.  

As an individual, holding your power in a space can be especially tricky. The balance between being firm in your approach and being fair and understanding can be a tricky one to get right. In this module we will show you powerful tools and techniques for using your voice effectively and how your opinions and ideas can be taken seriously. We can use our voice to portray genuine curiosity and deference. We can use our voice to show passion and enthusiasm. It all comes down to tone and the way your message is carried.

Learning Outcomes

The art of negotiation and influence​

Powerful Feedback For Genuine Growth​

The Program

65% of employees express that they want more feedback from their employers, but how often have you received feedback that left you confused or demotivated? Presenting specific and valuable feedback to employees is essential. It must be purposeful and constructive to help them feel valued, whilst also inspiring growth. Ensure your team feel heard and boost their accountability by engaging in positive dialogue, rather than a monologue. We teach powerful coaching techniques that allow your team to manifest their true potential and feel empowered to excel with confidence in the workplace. 

The key to negotiation is always using deference. This is not weakness. In fact, it is quite the opposite. Deference gives the opportunity for other voices to be heard, to gain understanding of how people think and showing them respect. By doing this, in turn, people will want to listen to you and what you have to offer. If everyone feels involved in the process, you are more likely to come to a decision that is for the benefit of everyone, rather than the select few.  

As an individual, holding your power in a space can be especially tricky. The balance between being firm in your approach and being fair and understanding can be a tricky one to get right. In this module we will show you powerful tools and techniques for using your voice effectively and how your opinions and ideas can be taken seriously. We can use our voice to portray genuine curiosity and deference. We can use our voice to show passion and enthusiasm. It all comes down to tone and the way your message is carried.

Learning Outcomes

Transformational Leadership​

Leadership Styles and Personality Colours​

The Program

The best leaders are those who are aware of their own strengths and weaknesses, and are not afraid to show them. This module will focus on the importance of embodying these strengths, whilst simultaneously knowing when to ask for support from your team in your areas of weakness. With this understanding, you can learn to communicate deeper with your team and work together productively. In this module you will discover the art of delegating effectively, inspiring them to take on responsibility and ownership and empowering success within them. It is also now an essential skill to be able to manage remotely. We will explore the best tools and tactics to ensure maximum team efficiency and motivation, even in the remote environment. 

Learning Outcomes

Transformational Leadership​

Leading Meaningful Change​

The Program

An extensive Gallup study drawing on data from 25 million employees found that people don’t leave jobs, they leave managers. So many organizations lose good people to poor managers, causing higher turnover rates, higher training costs, and an un-engaged workforce. Learn to transition from “manager” to “leader” by going to the root of how to lead a team powerfully and elicit maximum engagement and accountability. Most managers see results as the root measurement of success, however this approach is short sighted, as results are the symptom of a functional team where trust is actually the founding principle. If we used trust as our measurement for how well our team was doing, we would see better results as a natural by-product. 

Learning Outcomes

Empowering Others

Emotional Intelligence – Why This Trumps IQ When It Comes To Professional Growth​

The Program

In a world where qualifications and university degrees are becoming less and less relevant, what is it that companies are truly looking for in their existing staff or when they are hiring? That X-factor that employers value most ultimately boils down to Emotional Intelligence. Our IQ is of course important, but why is it we often see people with high IQ still struggling in life, while less intelligent people prosper? The answer resides with EQ. This is the ability to perceive and understand our own feelings and the feelings of those around us, and then know how to act to best create a positive outcome in that situation. A high EQ allows you to build strong relationships, reduce team stress, defuse conflicts for yourself and others, and improve the overall emotional experience for yourself and for those you interact with. Join us as we dive into understanding what may be currently affecting our EQ and how we can strengthen it to ultimately find success in all our endeavors. 

Learning Outcomes

Empowering Others

Hearing Your People – Active And Empathic Listening In The Workplace​

The Program

Leaders’ ability to listen determines their success or failure and the fate of their organization. Leaders can respond more effectively, even amid turmoil, by applying this approach within their organizations and in communication with their stakeholders. They can increase their ability to meet their company’s needs, support their employees and boost their competitiveness by learning to listen powerfully. Being the life of the party won’t always help you with a client. In fact, letting other people take the spotlight will actually garner more admiration and eventual “buy-in”. Be more interested than interesting, is one of the listening principles this course will go through in evaluating a persons listening performance. 

Learning Outcomes


a thriving empowered community

Having worked exclusively with the largest firms in the financial industry, we are now unlocking this content so more people can feel the impact in their daily life


Benefits of the


Benefits of the

Units of Study

Every Facet of Empowerment Covered

  • 90 minutes 2 x month cohort sessions  
  • 6 x 1:1 coaching with a Lead trainer throughout the program 
  • 2 x Panel sessions with experienced industry experts  
  • 1 coaching session with an experienced mentor 
  • Personal development sessions focusing on the power of meditation, mindfulness and mindset. 

Start the process of empowerment

Enroll Today



Paying for the program yourself?
Learn about our scholarship scheme. Limited spaces available.


Who is leading this training?

Priya Mehra


Priya has a wealth of experience across multiple Hedge Fund and Financial Services teams, training MD’s, CEOs and industry experts across Natixis, Wolters Kluwer, A&M, JPMorgan, Nomura, Brevan Howard, Bain Capital and Calixto Global. 

Priya is a highly sought-after coach with an extensive skill set in presenting to groups from multiple backgrounds. She has the ability to breakdown mass information into bite size modules delivering them with flair and confidence. She is methodical in her approach and thrives in dynamic group environments. She is highly driven to deliver impactful training on Presenting with Impact, Performance Feedback, Emotional Intelligence, Defining your brand, Executive Presence and Empowerment for Everyone. 

Her personal and professional experience has given her the motivation and enthusiasm to empower others to see the potential inside of themselves. She is an inspiring and thought-provoking leader with an adaptable approach, extensive experience and a powerful presence.


Authentic Empowerment: Becoming powerful whilst remaining true to your Authentic self

Empowerment Scholarship Scheme

Scholarships are available for certain applicants that may be facing hardship or those that would struggle to afford the full price of the program.

Scholarships of up to $7,000 are available depending on your circumstances. These are sponsored by the Echios Foundation. Apply below in order to be contacted by one of our representatives in order to find out more.

In a few sentences explain why you feel you are a good fit for the scholarship scheme. These could be reasons for financial difficulty and or reasons of how you will use the empowerment program to make a difference to your community. All applications are reviewed on an individual basis.

Enter your details


An Introduction to
Digital IQ


An Introduction to ESG Investing